Artifact [5d0e45e7b0]

Artifact 5d0e45e7b0baf645d484d4ca57f4119b0c458dbf:

Wiki page [Getting Started] by rkeene on 2015-09-30 14:07:58.
D 2015-09-30T14:07:58.793
L Getting\sStarted
N text/x-markdown
P e857056b03da543ea2edc04ca3b0c3b6b87ab0bb
U rkeene
W 1651
Getting Started as a User
  1. Mount AppFS
    1. Download AppFS
      1. `$ wget`
    2. Compile AppFS
      1. `$ gzip -dc appfs-1.8.tar.gz | tar -xf -`
      2. `$ cd appfs-1.8`
      3. `$ make`
    3. Install AppFS
      1. `# make install`
    4. Run AppFS Daemon
      1. `# mkdir /opt/appfs`
      2. `# /usr/local/sbin/appfsd /var/cache/appfs /opt/appfs`
    5. Optionally configure AppFS to mount on boot:
      1. Add to `/etc/fstab`:
         1. `/var/cache/appfs /opt/appfs       appfs       defaults         0   0`
    6. Read about [AppFS Configuration](wiki/AppFS Configuration)
  2. [Start using AppFS](wiki/Start Using AppFS)

Getting Started as a Publisher
  1. Run AppFS Daemon
  2. Generate a certificate if you do not already have one
    1. `$ /opt/appfs/ generate-selfsigned`
  3. Create package build script
    1. `$ vi pkgs/myPackage`
    2. Add (example from zlib):
      1. `version=1.2.8`
      1. `url="${version}.tar.gz"`
      1. ``
      1. `sha256='36658cb768a54c1d4dec43c3116c27ed893e88b02ecfcb44f2166f9c0b7f2a0d'`
  4. Use the "AppFS" build script
    1. `$ /opt/appfs/ --cpio myPackage`
  5. Publish your application
    1. `$ /opt/appfs/ --cpio <fileName> /web/static/ /path/to/appfs_key /path/to/appfs_certificate`
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