Wiki Formatting Rule Summary
# Blank lines are paragraph breaks
# Bullets are "*" surrounded by two spaces at the beginning of a line
# Enumeration items are "#" or a digit and a "." surrounded by two
spaces at the beginning of a line
# Indented paragraphs begin with a tab or two spaces
# Hyperlinks are contained within square brackets:
or "label"
# Most ordinary HTML works
# <verbatim> and <nowiki>
We call the first five rules above the "wiki" formatting rules.
The last two rules are the HTML formatting rules.
Formatting Rule Details
Any sequence of one or more blank lines forms a paragraph break.
Centered or right-justified paragraphs are not supported by wiki markup,
but you can do these things if you need them using HTML.
Bullet Lists.
A bullet list item is a line that begins with a single "*" character
surrounded on both sides by two or more spaces or by a tab.
Only a single level of bullet list is supported by wiki.
For nested lists, use HTML.
Enumeration Lists.
An enumeration list item is a line that begins with a single "#"
character surrounded on both sides by two or more spaces or by a tab.
Or it can be a number and a "." (ex: "5.") surrounded on both sides
by two spaces or a tab.
Only a single level of enumeration list is supported by wiki.
For nested lists or for enumerations that count using letters or
roman numerals, use HTML.
Indented Paragraphs.
Any paragraph that begins with two or more spaces or a tab and which
is not a bullet or enumeration list item is rendered indented.
Only a single level of indentation is supported by wiki.
Use HTML for deeper indentation.
Text within square brackets
("...") becomes a
hyperlink. The target can be a wiki page name, the artifact ID of
a check-in or ticket, the name of an image, a URL, or an
interwiki link of the form
By default, the target is displayed as the text of the hyperlink.
But you can specify alternative text after the target name
separated by a "|" character.
You can also link to internal anchor names using
#anchor-name, providing you have added the necessary
"<a name='anchor-name'></a>" tag to your wiki page.
The following standard HTML elements may be used:
<a> <address> <article> <aside> <b>
<big> <blockquote> <br> <center> <cite>
<code> <col> <colgroup> <dd>
<del> <dfn>
<div> <dl> <dt> <em> <font> <footer>
<h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6>
<header> <hr> <i> <img> <kbd> <li>
<nav> <nobr> <nowiki> <ol> <p> <pre>
<s> <samp> <section> <small> <span>
<strike> <strong> <sub> <sup> <table>
<tbody> <td> <tfoot> <th> <thead>
<title> <tr> <tt> <u> <ul> <var>
<verbatim>. There are two non-standard elements available:
<verbatim> and <nowiki>. No other elements are allowed.
All attributes are checked and only a few benign attributes are
allowed on each element. In particular, any attributes that specify
javascript or CSS are elided.
Special Markup.
The <nowiki> tag disables all wiki formatting rules through
the matching </nowiki> element. The <verbatim> tag works
like <pre> with the addition that it also disables all wiki
and HTML markup through the matching </verbatim>.
Text within
<verbatim type="pikchr">...</verbatim>
is formatted using
Interwiki Tag Map